Sipral and Adam Gebrian made a documentary on the Copenhagen waste-to-energy-plant

Sipral and Adam Gebrian made a documentary on the Copenhagen waste-to-energy-plant

5th October 2018 – “Amager Bakke is one of the biggest, most spectacular, most expensive, and most important buildings ever built in Denmark,” Adam Gebrian says at the beginning of our 11 minute video documentary on Copenhagen’s new waste-to-energy plant.

In August 2018, we flew to Copenhagen to map exteriors and interiors of a unique building that not exclusively processes waste and delivers low carbon electricity and heat to Copenhagen homes. Thanks to a courageous architectonic design of BIG studio, the building soon is going to serve as a place where whole families can spend their free time. This waste-to-energy plant roof has a shape of a ski slope where the visitors will have a chance to ski or climb a nearly 90 meter high wall.

Since you probably haven’t had a chance to see it like this before, allow us to introduce you to the incinerator, from the inside, out.

Made by Sipral: Amager Bakke (ENG subtitles) from Sipral on Vimeo.