Technical Mock-Up for Wardian London Presented

Technical Mock-Up for Wardian London Presented

June 20, 2017 – Presentation of the technical façade mock-up for the Wardian London project took place in our production-logistics center in Jirny over four days in late June. We successfully assembled a full-sized functional testing model with balconies and glazed window walls in record time. The client subjected the sample to a thorough examination and requested only several minor changes.

What is a technical mock-up?
A technical mock-up is a sample of the façade structure that consists of real building components. It enables the investors and architects to assess not only the technical correctness of the designed structure, but also the visual appearance and compliance with the original assignment prior to commencement of execution. For the investor, this is often the first tangible result of the work performed by the façade system contractor.